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Number of items: 37.

Akander, Jan and Cehlin, Mathias and Moshfegh, Bahram (2017) Assessing the Myths on Energy Efficiency When Retrofitting Multifamily Buildings in a Northern Region - What is true and what is not? In: Sustainable High Rise Buildings in Urban Zones. Springer International Publishing.

Arfvidsson, J. and Bjelke-Holtermann, B. and Mattsson, J. (2017) Status determination of a historical building including measures for three different scenarios. Energy Procedia, 132.

Berefelt, Erik and Olsson, Linn (2017) Utvärdering av olika metoder för fuktstyrning i kyrkor. Other thesis, Uppsala universitet.

Berg, Fredrik and Flyen, Anna Cathrine and Godbolt, Asne Lund and Broström, Tor (2017) User-driven energy efficiency in historic buildings: A review. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 28. ISSN 12962074

Biseniece, Edīte and Žogla, Gatis and Kamenders, Agris and Purviņš, Reinis and Kašs, Kristaps and Vanaga, Ruta and Blumberga, Andra (2017) Thermal performance of internally insulated historic brick building in cold climate: A long term case study. Energy and Buildings, 152. ISSN 03787788

Broström, Tor and Donarelli, Anna and Berg, Fredrik (2017) For the categorisation of historic buildings to determine energy saving. AGATHÓN 01 | 2017 – International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design.

De Fino, Mariella and Scioti, Alba and Cantatore, Elena and Fatiguso, Fabio (2017) Methodological framework for assessment of energy behavior of historic towns in Mediterranean climate. Energy and Buildings, 144. ISSN 0378-7788

Di Ruocco, Giacomo and Sicignano, Claudia and Sessa, Anna (2017) Integrated Methodologies Energy Efficiency of Historic Buildings. Procedia Engineering, 180. ISSN 1877-7058

Doukas, Dimitrios I. and Bruce, Tom (2017) Energy Audit and Renewable Integration for Historic Buildings: The Case of Craiglockhart Primary School. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 38. ISSN 1878-0296

D’Agostino, Diana and de’ Rossi, Filippo and Marino, Concetta and Minichiello, Francesco and Russo, Francesco (2017) Energy retrofit of historic buildings in the Mediterranean area: the case of the Palaeontology Museum of Naples. Energy Procedia, 133. ISSN 1876-6102

Ekström, Tomas (2017) Passive house renovation of Swedish single-family houses from the 1960s and 1970s: Evaluation of cost-effective renovation packages. Doctoral thesis, Lund University.

Eriksson, Rickard (2017) Energin i huset - En undersökning av energianvändning och energiprestanda i svenska bostadshus uppförda före 1945 utifrån energideklarationsregistret Gripen. Masters thesis, Uppsala universitet.

Femenías, Paula and Johansson, Pär and Thuvander, Liane and Wahlgren, Paula and Mörk, Klara (2017) Renoveringsbehov i äldre hus – möjligheter för energieffektivisering och bevarande av kulturmiljö. Bygg & Teknik (2/2017).

Galán González, Aránzazu and Gómez Zotano, Miguel Ángel and Swan, William and Bouillard, Philippe and Elkadic, Hisham (2017) Maturity Matrix Assessment: Evaluation of Energy Efficiency Strategies in Brussels Historic Residential Stock. Energy Procedia, 111. ISSN 1876-6102

Garau, Giorgio and Rosa-Clot, Marco (2017) Supplying historic buildings with energy, without impinging on their historic and cultural values. Energy Procedia, 134. ISSN 1876-6102

Genova, Enrico and Fatta, Giovanni and Vinci, Calogero (2017) The Recurrent Characteristics of Historic Buildings as a Support to Improve their Energy Performances: The Case Study of Palermo. Energy Procedia, 111. ISSN 1876-6102

Ginks, Natasha and Painter, Birgit (2017) Energy retrofit interventions in historic buildings: Exploring guidance and attitudes of conservation professionals to slim double glazing in the UK. Energy and Buildings, 149. ISSN 0378-7788

Gregório, Vera and Seixas, Júlia (2017) Energy savings potential in urban rehabilitation: A spatial-based methodology applied to historic centres. Energy and Buildings, 152. ISSN 03787788

Hansen, Niklas (2017) Solceller i skyddade kyrkomiljöer - En studie om solelproduktion och kulturmiljöskydd på kyrkor. Masters thesis, Teknisk- naturvetenskaplig fakultet.

Hayati, Abolfazl (2017) Natural Ventilation and Air Infiltration in Large Single‑Zone Buildings: Measurements and Modelling with Reference to Historical Churches. Doctoral thesis, Högskolan i Gävle.

Hayati, Abolfazl and Mattsson, Magnus and Sandberg, Mats (2017) Single-sided ventilation through external doors: Measurements and model evaluation in five historical churches. Energy and Buildings, 141. pp. 114-124. ISSN 0378-7788

Johansson, Frida (2017) Från slott till koja - En studie av det svenska murteglets historia. Other thesis, Uppsala universitet.

Johansson, Pär and Wahlgren, Paula (2017) Renovation of buildings from before 1945: status assessment and energy efficiency measures. Energy Procedia, 132. pp. 951-956.

Källgren, Viktor (2017) Ljudmiljö i Kulturmiljö - Hampakalks akustiska egenskaper och tillämpbarhet i kulturhistoriskt värdefulla byggnader. Other thesis, Uppsala universitet.

Liu, Linn (2017) A systematic approach for major renovation of residential buildings. Doctoral thesis, Linköping University.

Lodi, Chiara and Magli, Susanna and Contini, Francesco Maria and Muscio, Alberto and Tartarini, Paolo (2017) Improvement of thermal comfort and energy efficiency in historical and monumental buildings by means of localized heating based on non-invasive electric radiant panels. Applied Thermal Engineering, 126. ISSN 13594311

Lucchi, Elena and Becherinia, Francesca and Concetta Di Tuccio, Maria and Troi, Alexandra and Fricke, Jürgen and Roberti, Francesca and Hermann, Carsten and Fairnington, Ian and Mezzasalma, Giulia and Pockelé, Luc and Bernardia, Adriana (2017) Thermal performance evaluation and comfort assessment of advanced aerogel as blown-in insulation for historic buildings. Building and Environment, 122. ISSN 0360-1323

Lucchi, Elena and Tabak, Magdalena and Troi, Alexandra (2017) The “Cost Optimality” Approach for the Internal Insulation of Historic Buildings. Energy Procedia, 133. ISSN 1876-6102

Martínez-Molina, Antonio and Boarin, Paola and Tort-Ausina, Isabel and Vivancos, José-Luis (2017) Post-occupancy evaluation of a historic primary school in Spain: Comparing PMV, TSV and PD for teachers' and pupils' thermal comfort. Building and Environment, 117. ISSN 03601323

May, Neil and Sanders, Chris (2017) Moisture in buildings: an integrated approach to risk assessment and guidance. Other. British Standards Institution.

Olsson, Ellen (2017) Ler och långhalm - En studie av lera som byggnadsmaterial i svensk äldre bebyggelse. Other thesis, Uppsala universitet.

Roberti, Francesca and Oberegger, Ulrich Filippi and Lucchi, Elena and Troi, Alexandra (2017) Energy retrofit and conservation of a historic building using multi-objective optimization and an analytic hierarchy process. Energy and Buildings, 138. ISSN 03787788

Rodrigues, Carla and Freire, Fausto (2017) Adaptive reuse of buildings: Eco-efficiency assessment of retrofit strategies for alternative uses of an historic building. Journal of Cleaner Production, 157. ISSN 0959-6526

Strandberg-de Bruijn, Paulien and Balksten, Kristin and Donarelli, Anna (2017) Sustainable insulation of historical wooden and stone buildings with lime-hemp in the Hanseatic town of Visby, a project overview. In: 2nd International Conference on Bio-based Building Materials ICBBM 2017, Clermont-Ferrand, France.

Torgén, Johan (2017) Kategorisering av Arbogasbyggnadsbestånd byggt före 1945 - En tillämpad metod för energieffektivisering i kulturhistoriskt värdefull bebyggelse. Other thesis, Uppsala universitet.

Webb, Amanda L. (2017) Energy retrofits in historic and traditional buildings: A review of problems and methods. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 77. pp. 748-759.

Wessberg, Magnus and Broström, Tor and Vyhlídal, Tomas (2017) A method to determine heating power and heat up time for intermittent heating of churches. In: Energy Procedia.

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