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Number of items: 74.


., . (2014) Strategier för renovering och ombyggnad av flerbostadshus från 1940 – 1960-talet: Strategimatris – ett exempel. Bygg & teknik (2). pp. 12-20.

Alev, Üllar and Eskola, Lari and Arumägi, Endrik and Jokisalo, Juha and Donarelli, Anna and Siren, Kai and Tor Broström, Tor and Kalamees, Targo (2014) Renovation alternatives to improve energy performance of historic rural houses in the Baltic Sea region. Energy and Buildings, 77. pp. 58-66.

Almeida, Manuela and Rodrigues, Ana and Cabral, Inés and Ferreira, Marco and Coehlo, André and Machado, Goncalo (2014) Deep energy retrofit of vernacular housing. The Rehva European HVAC Journal, 51 (6). pp. 32-36.

Arumägi, Endrik and Kalamees, Targo (2014) Analysis of energy economic renovation for historic wooden apartment buildings in cold climates. Applied Energy, 115. pp. 540-548.

Ascione, Fabrizio and Bianco, Nicola and De Masi, Rosa Francesca and de’Rossi, Filippo and Peter Vanoli, Giuseppe (2014) Energy retrofit of an educational building in the ancient center of Benevento. Feasibility study of energy savings and respect of the historical value. Energy and Buildings.

Atkins, Richard and Emmanuel, Rohinton (2014) Could refurbishment of “traditional” buildings reduce carbon emissions? Built Environment Project and Asset Management, 4 (3). pp. 221-237.

Bellia, Laura and d’Ambrosio Alfano, Francesca R. and Giordano, Joselito and Ianniello, Elvira and Riccio, Giuseppe (2014) Energy requalification of a historical building: A case study. Energy and Buildings.

Ben, Hui and Steemers, Koen (2014) Energy retrofit and occupant behaviour in protected housing: A case study of the Brunswick Centre in London. Energy and Buildings, 80. pp. 120-130.

Bianco, Lorenza and Serra, Valentina and Fantucci, Stefano and Dutto, Marco and Massolino, Marco (2014) Thermal insulating plaster as a solution for refurbishing historic building envelopes: First experimental results. Energy and Buildings.

Bichlmair, Stefan and Raffler, Susanne and Kilian, Ralf (2014) The Temperierung heating systems as a retrofitting tool for the preventive conservation of historic museums buildings and exhibits. Energy and Buildings.

Boarin, Paola and Guglielmino, Daniele and Pisello, Anna Laura and Cotana, Franco (2014) Sustainability Assessment of Historic Buildings: Lesson Learnt from an Italian case Study through LEED® Rating System. Energy Procedia, 61. ISSN 1876-6102

Brimblecombe, Peter (2014) Damage to Materials and Buildings in a Changing Urban Climate. Global Environmental Change Handbook of Global Environmental Pollution, 1. pp. 455-460.

Brooks, Elizabeth and Law, Andrew and Huang, Lingjiang (2014) A comparative analysis of retrofitting historic buildings for energy efficiency in the UK and China. disP - The Planning Review, 50 (3). pp. 66-75.

Broström, Tor and Eriksson, Petra and Liu, Linn and Rohdin, P. (2014) A Method to Assess the Potential for and Consequences of Energy Retrofits in Swedish Historic Buildings. The Historic Environment: Policy & Practice, 5 (2). ISSN 1756-7505

Buvik, Karin and Andersen, Geir and Tangen, Sverre (2014) Ambitious Renovation of a Historical School Building in Cold Climate. Energy Procedia, 48. pp. 1442-1448.

Camuffo, Dario and Bertolin, Chiara and Bonazzi, Achille and Campana, Francesca and Merlo, Curzio (2014) Past, present and future effects of climate change on a wooden inlay bookcase cabinet: A new methodology inspired by the novel European Standard EN 15757:2010. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 15 (1). pp. 26-35.

De Berardinis, Pierluigi and Rotilio, Marianna and Marchionni, Chiara and Friedman, Avi (2014) Improving the energy-efficiency of historic masonry buildings. A case study: A minor centre in the Abruzzo region, Italy. Energy and Buildings, 80. pp. 415-423.

De Santoli, Livio and DÁmbrosio Alfano, Francesca R. (2014) Energy efficiency and HVAC systems in existing and historical buildings. The Rehva European HVAC Journal, 51 (6). pp. 44-48.

Debbie, Crockford (2014) Sustaining Our Heritage: The Way Forward for Energy-Efficient Historic Housing Stock. The Historic Environment: Policy & Practice, 5 (2). pp. 196-209.

Entradas Silva, Hugo and Henriques, Fernando M.A. (2014) Microclimatic analysis of historic buildings: A new methodology for temperate climates. Building and Environment, 82. pp. 381-387.

Eriksson, Petra and Hermann, Carsten and Sára, Hrabovszky-Horváth and Rodwell, Dennis (2014) EFFESUS Methodology for Assessing the Impacts of Energy-Related Retrofit Measures on Heritage Significance. The Historic Environment: Policy & Practice, 5 (2). pp. 132-149.

Fabbri, Kristian and Pretelli, Marco (2014) Heritage buildings and historic microclimate without HVAC technology: Malatestiana Library in Cesena, Italy, UNESCO Memory of the World. Energy and Buildings, 76. pp. 15-31.

Filippi, Marco (2014) Remarks on the green retrofitting of historic buildings in Italy. Energy and Buildings.

Filogamo, Luana and Peri, Giorgia and Rizzo, Gianfranco and Giaccone, Antonino (2014) On the classification of large residential buildings stocks by sample typologies for energy planning purposes. Applied Energy, 135. pp. 825-835.

Franco, Giovanna and Magrini, Anna and Cartesegna, Marco and Guerrini, Marco (2014) Towards a systematic approach for energy refurbishment of historical buildings. The case study of Albergo dei Poveri in Genoa, Italy. Energy and Buildings.

Hayati, Abolfazl and Mattsson, Magnus and Sandberg, Mats (2014) Evaluation of the LBL and AIM-2 air infiltration models on large single zones: Three historical churches. Building and Environment, 81. pp. 365-379. ISSN 03601323

Haynes, Nick and Payne, Becky and Curteis, Tobit and Luxford, Naomi and Townsend, Catherine and Gaspar, Pedro and Harris, Andrew and Manners, Jane and Hazeldean, Peter and Brown, Angus and Floyd, Tim and Howell, Kevin and Sutton Vane, Mark (2014) Historic churches - the conservation and repair of ecclesiastical buildings. The building conservation directory special report on historic buildings. Historic churches - the conservation and repair of ecclesiastical buildings. , 21.

Hernández, José and Garrecht, Harald and Paci, Giacomo and Reeb, Simone and García, Daniel (2014) A ZigBee based Building Management System for heritage. HVAC Journal (03).

Huijbregts, Zara and van Schijndel, Jos WM and Schellen, Henk L and Blades, Nigel (2014) Hygrothermal modelling of flooding events within historic buildings. Journal of Building Physics.

Judson, Ellis P. and Iyer-Raniga, Usha and Horne, Ralph (2014) Greening heritage housing: understanding homeowners’ renovation practices in Australia. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 29 (1). pp. 61-78.

Leijonhufvud, Gustaf and Henning, Annette (2014) Rethinking indoor climate control in historic buildings: The importance of negotiated priorities and discursive hegemony at a Swedish museum. Energy Research & Social Science, 4. pp. 117-123.

Liu, Linn and Moshfegh, B. and Akander, Jan and Cehlin, Mathias (2014) Comprehensive investigation on energy retrofits in eleven multi-family buildings in Sweden. Energy and Buildings, 84. ISSN 03787788

Martins, Ana M.T. and Carlos, Jorge S. (2014) The retrofitting of the Bernardas’ Convent in Lisbon. Energy and Buildings, 68. pp. 396-402.

Martínez-Garrido, M.I. and Aparicio, S. and Fort, R. and Anaya, J.J. and Izquierdo, M.A.G. (2014) Effect of solar radiation and humidity on the inner core of walls in historic buildings. Construction and Building Materials, 51. pp. 383-394.

Mazzarella, Livio (2014) Energy retrofit of historic and existing buildings. The legislative and regulatory point of view. Energy and Buildings.

Milone, Daniele and Peri, Giorgia and Pitruzzella, Salvatore and Rizzo, Gianfranco (2014) Are the Best Available Technologies the only viable for energy interventions in historical buildings? Energy and Buildings.

Moran, Francis and Blight, Tom and Natarajan, Sukumar and Shea, Andy (2014) The use of Passive House Planning Package to reduce energy use and CO2 emissions in historic dwellings. Energy and Buildings.

Murray, Sean N. and Walsh, Brendan P. and Kelliher, Denis and O'Sullivan, D.T.J. (2014) Multi-variable optimization of thermal energy efficiency retrofitting of buildings using static modelling and genetic algorithms – A case study. Building and Environment, 75.

Pendlebury, John and Hamza, Neveen and Sharr, Adam (2014) Conservation values, conservation-planning and climate change. disP - The Planning Review, 50 (3). pp. 43-54.

Polo López, Cristina S. and Frontini, Francesco (2014) Energy Efficiency and Renewable Solar Energy Integration in Heritage Historic Buildings. Energy Procedia, 48. pp. 1493-1502.

Pracchi, Valeria (2014) Historic Buildings and Energy Efficiency. The Historic Environment: Policy & Practice, 5 (2). pp. 210-225.

Rota, Michela and Corgnati, Stefano Paolo and Di Corato, Luigi (2014) The museum in historical buildings: Energy and systems. The project of the Fondazione Musei Senesi. Energy and Buildings.

Salata, Ferdinando and de Lieto Vollaro, Andrea and de Lieto Vollaro, Roberto (2014) A Case Study of Technical and Economic Comparison among Energy Production Systems in a Complex of Historic Buildings in Rome. Energy Procedia, 45. pp. 482-491.

Smith , Oliver (2014) Balancing Heritage and Environmental Policies for Sustainable Refurbishment of Historic Buildings: The Case of New Court, Trinity College, Cambridge. The Historic Environment: Policy & Practice, 5 (2). pp. 116-131. ISSN 1756-7505

Stuart, Christina Marie (2014) Managing or Driving Change? Establishing Consensus of Opinion on Improving the Energy Efficiency of Historic Buildings. The Historic Environment: Policy & Practice, 5 (2). pp. 182-195.

Todorović, Marija S. and Ećim-Đurić, Olivera and Nikolić, Stevan and Ristić, Slavica and Polić-Radovanović, Suzana (2014) Historic Buildings Holistic and Sustainable Deep Energy Refurbishment via BPS, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy–a Case Study. Energy and Buildings.

Valdbjørn Rasmussen, Torben (2014) Refurbishing Fæstningens Materialgård: A Heritage Complex. Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 8 (7). pp. 888-897. ISSN 1934-7359

Varas-Muriel, M.J. and Martínez-Garrido, M.I. and Fort, R. (2014) Monitoring the thermal–hygrometric conditions induced by traditional heating systems in a historic Spanish church (12th–16th C). Energy and Buildings, 75. pp. 119-132.

Varas-Muriel, M.J. and Fort, R. and Martínez-Garrido, M.I. and Zornoza-Indart, A. and López-Arce, P. (2014) Fluctuations in the indoor environment in Spanish rural churches and their effects on heritage conservation: Hygro-thermal and CO2 conditions monitoring. Building and Environment, 82. pp. 97-109.

Woroniak, Grzegorz and Piotrowska-Woroniak, Joanna (2014) Effects of pollution reduction and energy consumption reduction in small churches in Drohiczyn community. Energy and Buildings, 72. pp. 51-61.

Yasa, Enes and Fidan, Guven and Tosun, Mustafa (2014) Analysis of Historic Buildings in Terms of their Microclimatic and Thermal Comfort Performances “Example of Konya Slender Minaret Madrasah”. J Archit Eng Tech, 3 (3). ISSN 2168-9717

Zagorskas, Jurgis and Kazimieras Zavadskas, Edmundas and Turskis, Zenonas and Burinskienė, Marija and Blumberga, Andra and Blumberga, Dagnija (2014) Thermal insulation alternatives of historic brick buildings in Baltic Sea Region. Energy and Buildings, 78. pp. 35-42.


., . (2014) Varsam energieffektivisering i gotländska stenhus. Project Report. Uppsala universitet.

Bintz, Carol and Bernard, Paul (2014) The art of efficiency. Other. ASHRAE, High Performing Buildings.

Boro, Marte and Amundsen, Ingun B. (2014) Informasjon om Riksantikvarens arbeid med bymiljø, klima og energisparing. Documentation. Riksantikvaren.

Corgnati, Stefano Paolo and Kabele, Karel and Kurnitski, Jarek (2014) Interview of REHVA Board Members on nearly Zero Energy Buildings. Other. The Rehva European HVAC Journal.

Currie, John and Jonnard, Marie and Stinson, Jon and Williamson, Julio Bros (2014) Historic Scotland Technical Paper 23 - Thermal assessment of internal shutters and window film applied to traditional single glazed sash and case windows. Technical Report. Historic Scotland.

Styrelsen for Slotte og Kulturejendomme, . (2014) Grønne slotte: Spar på varmen – bevar kulturarven. Et forsøgsprojekt om energi och bevaringsforhold. Præsentation og hovedkonklusioner. Project Report. Styrelsen for Slotte og Kulturejendomme.

Thuvander, Liane and Femenías, Paula (2014) Rebo - Strategier för hållbar renovering – fokus på perioden ”folkhemmet”. Project Report. Chalmers tekniska högskola, Centrum för Management i Byggsektorn.

Conference or Workshop Item

Aderohunmu, Femi and Balsamo, Domenico and Paci, Giacomo and Brunelli, Davide (2014) Long Term WSN Monitoring for Energy Efficiency in EU Cultural Heritage Buildings. In: Real-World Wireless Sensor Networks Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop, REALWSN 2013,, September 19-20, 2013, Como (Italy).

Arfvidsson, J. and Bjelke-Holtermann, B. and Mattsson, J. (2014) A method for status determination of historical buildings. In: NSB 2014 10th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics, 15-19 June 2014, Lund, Sweden.

Artigas, David P.E (2014) An Unfair Reputation: The Energy Performance of Mid-Century Modern Glass-and-Steel Curtain Wall Buildings. In: APT Québec City 2014, Québec.

EEHB, . (2014) International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Historic Buildings: Experiences & Solutions - How to improve the energy efficiency of historic buildings while preserving their historic character, values and historical integrity. In: International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Historic Buildings: Experiences & Solutions - How to improve the energy efficiency of historic buildings while preserving their historic character, values and historical integrity, 29-30 September 2014, Madrid. (Unpublished)

Pisello, Anna Laura and Cotana, Franco and Brinchi, Lucia (2014) On a Cool Coating for Roof Clay Tiles: Development of the Prototype and Thermal-energy Assessment. In: ATI 2013 - 68th Conference of the Italian Thermal Machines Engineering Association.

Sauchelli, Michele and Masera, Gabriele and D’Antona, Gabriele and Manzolini, Giampaolo (2014) ISIS Facchinetti: A Nearly Zero Energy Retrofit in Italy. In: 2nd International Conference on Solar Heating and Cooling for Buildings and Industry (SHC 2013), 23-25 September 2013, Freiburg, Germany.

Seamon, Tom (2014) Energy management and Preservation: Identifying Approaches, Materials, Methods and Measuring the costs and benefits. In: APT Québec City 2014, Québec. (Submitted)

Ståhl, F. and Gustavsson, T. and Broström, T. and Eriksson, Petra and Liu, Linn and Rohdin, P. and Moshfegh, B. (2014) Hygrothermal performance of energy saving measures in a wooden building from the 1920s. In: NSB 201410th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics, 15-19 June 2014, Lund, Sweden.


Troi, Alexandra and Bastian, Zeno (2014) Energy Efficiency Solutions for Historic Buildings. EURAC research/Passive House Institute. ISBN 978-3038216469


Cruz, Ronald (2014) Byggtekniska åtgärder förenergieffektivisering av kulturhistoriskvärdefull byggnad - En fallstudie av Gamla rådhuset i kvarteret Stadsvapnet 6, Piteå. Other thesis, Luleå tekniska högskola.

Cruz, Ronald (2014) Byggtekniska åtgärder för energieffektivisering av kulturhistorisk värdefull byggnad - En fallstudie av Gamla rådhuset i kvarteret Stadsvapnet 6, Piteå. Other thesis, Luleå tekniska universitet.

Eriksson, Anna-Maria (2014) Energieffektivisering av klimatskal med hänsyn till kulturhistorisk värdering - Fallstudier av tre befintliga småhus från 1900-talet ur bevarandesynpunkt. Other thesis, Högskolan Dalarna.

Ideskog, Jakob and Lindström, Ellen (2014) Energieffektivisering i kulturhistoriskt värdefull bebyggelse - Ett förslag på modell för utvärdering av energieffektiviserande åtgärder. Other thesis, Tekniska Högskolan i Jönköping.

Karlsson, Paulina and Romild, Emma (2014) Energieffektivisering av Lundby gamla kyrka - Framtagning av underhållsplan och energieffektiviserande åtgärder. Other thesis, Chalmers Tekniska Högskola.

Sidén, Adrian and Rolfsen Sandsborg, Kristian (2014) Ekonomiska konsekvenser till följd av varsamhetskrav - Ett förnyelseprojekt av flerbostadshus i Sätra, Gävle. Other thesis, University of Gävle.

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